Sunday, March 30, 2014

Art is a Language

Ever since the new year began I seem to have a tremendous drive towards getting organized. Thankfully, I have Isabel, my very supportive daughter who is willing to help me with this daunting, but at this point exhilarating project. I would say that I border on being prolific in my art making only because I have discarded so few things over the decades, and this includes anything from a sketch on note paper to a finished piece framed and on the wall. 

I have enjoyed being able to talk with her about when and where I painted this and that. It is nice to share art with another person, even when it is your own art, and maybe particularly when it is your own and with someone who means so much to me. 

It is also a pretty neat thing to look at how my personal art language has all these tangents and yet there seems to be a sliver of connectedness from the first “real” pieces I did and the ones I am working on at this present time. 

I’ve not been one to step out onto the diving board and show off my stuff, but 2014 finds me being a little more open and I’m looking forward to this venture. So, again with the help of Isabel, I’m starting this blog. 

Art is a language that I want to know and when my own art starts talking to me, I know it is not just me creating anymore. 

Here are two pieces that I painted several years ago using oil and cold wax. These represent to me a time when I got out of my own way to paint something purely for my own self. I understood the language I spoke that day. 
Genesee Brewery I
Oil and Cold Wax

Genesee Brewery II
Oil and Cold Wax